Twinkle and I have been working with Gabberdashery for nearly a year now, the brainchild of Gabby Young (of Gabby Young and other Animals) and fashion stylist/writer/blogger, (a lady of many talents!) - Katie Antoniou.
Gabberdashery sets out to bring together an eclectic mix of arts, crafts and fashion, all in keeping with Gabby's amazing and quirky style.
Some of mine and Twinkle's paintings and prints are available to buy through Gabberdashery, there are on sale at various events, mainly at Gabby Young's performances. In December Gabberdashery teamed up with Supermarket Sarah to create a wall inspired by Alice in Wonderland:
The wall is still up on the website so have a browse! Some of the products are still available to buy.
There are lots more exciting Gabberdashery adventures in the pipeline for 2011, I will keep you updated!