The rising rental market in London is
something I addressed previously in my work, in my painting 'Shoebox'. Five years on the situation is
far worse - with the disparity between average salaries and the cost of renting
In this new series: 'The Relentless Rise of the Rent' I am responding to the issues and problems connected to housing and the private rental market in London.
I started by collecting images of real adverts I’d
seen in Estate Agent windows,
quick snapshots taken on my phone of rotten looking properties advertized for phenomenal weekly rents. This collecting process of the Estate Agent adverts is ongoing and has
provided the starting point for these paintings.
£327 per week for this Stunning Two Bedroom
Oil on Board
£319 per week for this Gorgeous One Bed
Oil on Canvas
£330 per week for this Bright and Airy Two
Bedroom Flat
Oil on Canvas
Although my work has moved on and the autobiographical anecdotes and
statements do not feature in these pieces the personal narrative is still very
much present. I personally find it
really difficult to survive in London with the financial pressure of high rent
to pay, and amongst social circles it is a subject often being discussed.
Comparative to other European cities or
towns in the UK the London rent prices are phenomenal and are rising fast. In other countries regulations are different,
with five or ten year tenancys being the norm, meaning that people can feel
that their rental property is ‘home’ without living in fear of the landlord
raising the rent on a yearly basis.
Tenants can make significant changes to their rental properties which
helps to create the feeling of ‘home’, tenants in London often feel that their
accommodation is temporary and tenancy agreements often specify that only
minimal changes can be made to properties.
I wanted to create some paintings in
response to this situation, being something that I am directly affected by I
wanted to create a series which was an honest and heartfelt response. I was also interested in the element of
documentation, recording and describing a very current issue that in time would
capture and illustrate something specific to our generation. No doubt in five years time the rent prices I
am currently recording will have increased, what will the situation be
like? Will it become too difficult to
live in London without an executive pay packet?
Adequate housing is a human right, outlined in the Universal Declaration of human rights. How is it then that our homes have become consumerist commodities just like anything else? With estate agents and landlords responding to the demand and using our 'homes' to generate the highest revenue they can.
Our exhibition in Vienna ‘Affluence &
Avarice’ is about greed, and although my paintings about the housing prices
might not be overtly referencing this, I think the issues are directly
linked. The reasons for the current
housing crisis are complex, it is connected to the on-going global economic
problems, the root of this being the negative effects of capitalism. It’s about the
increasing wealth divide. Are landlords
greedy? It's more complex than that...The over population and demand for properties means that the landlords
increase the rents to stay inline with the market…Do we need regulations in place to protect our homes?